UAS supervisor on the ground in every country in Africa

UAS International Trip Support, a provider of global trip support services for flight operators, VIPs, and government officials, is looking to achieve a UAS supervisor on the ground in every country in Africa.
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Forecast to be one of the world’s fastest growing economic areas, Africa will see a rise in air traffic, with flows between Europe and Africa growing at an annual average rate of more than 5% for the next 15 years. “Business aviation is the key to tapping the enormous economic potential of Africa,” says UAS Co-Founder and

executive president Mohammed Husary “Commercial airlines and ground transportation are not keeping pace with the travel needs associated with new ventures. Moreover, private and chartered planes can land at airports not served by commercial airlines, making them all the more important for getting decision makers to key meetings and work sites. UAS makes sure those planes have fuel, permits, parking, and handling, as well as ensuring top-quality care for passengers and crew.”  

UAS recognises that successful trip support in Africa depends on a combination of local knowledge and professional networks. The provider has been laying the groundwork to cover the continent for more than a decade. Its 24/7 operations center at its Middle-East headquarters in Dubai has been running for nearly 15 years and offers service in 20 languages. Before opening a continental headquarters in Johannesburg, and regional offices in Nairobi, and Lagos in the past year, UAS stationed agents in key locations across Africa, establishing essential relationships with aviation authorities and suppliers, and delivering trip support to some of the region’s most remote and challenging destinations.   

“Presence and contacts are only half the picture,” says Husary. “Quality is the other half. Anyone doing business in Europe is accustomed to a high level of service, professionalism, and attention to detail. This is why it is essential to have someone on the ground in every market. It allows us to investigate everything from catering to accommodation to security, and to make sure all elements of the trip proceed smoothly and are in line with expectations. For both our commercial and business clients, local presence also gives us advanced notice of gate and schedule changes, weather conditions, and other real-time events that will not be available online until well after the plane lands.” 

This heightened focus on quality has been paying off. UAS served more than 7,000 flights in Africa in 2013, and expects to grow its business on the continent by 30% this year and by 50% in 2015. Its business development program includes rigorous recruitment criteria that ensure local representatives not only speak the requisite language, but also have a deep understanding of the business environment and maintain constant contact with authorities. All staff are trained in the methods and standards of the International Air Transport Association.  

“For trip support, UAS is setting the standard for excellence globally,” says Husary. “From our perspective, clients should have the same seamless experience and level of service whether they are in Houston or Hong Kong, Germany or Chad, Dubai or Equatorial Guinea.”