Air Austral and Corsair towards a commercial joint venture

Air Austral and Corsair have decided to initiate discussions to conclude a joint venture regarding Indian Ocean routes.

While the Covid-19 crisis continues to affect the profitability of the air transport sector, this project aims at enhancing service for passengers in the Indian Ocean region, while improving the economic profitability of these two airlines.

By joining their forces and resources, Air Austral and Corsair want to develop an offer, which will generate benefits for their customers: expanded and diversified network and flight programme, diversity of time slots (departure and arrival) and competitive offers.

This major project will strengthen connectivity within the Indian Ocean region and to the other destinations operated by both airlines namely Africa, international destinations within the Indian Ocean network and Canada.

To be noted that, this commercial cooperation will preserve the identity and independence of Air Austral and Corsair. Before implementation, the project will be submitted to staff representatives and to relevant French authorities.


Vincent Chappard

Vincent Chappard

Vincent is an aerospace editor and consultant based in Paris.